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 Torque Tester 气动工具测试台
∷  气动工具测试台
 Torque Tester
春龙牌N2000-1 型气扳机测试台,是冲击式气动工具多功能测试设备,专为B6-B42 型气扳机性能测试而设计。主要测试项目为拧紧扭矩测试范围(0-2000)N.m,空气耗气量测试范围为(0-3)m³/min,空载转数测试范围(0-9999)r/min。测试台由气路、油路、气动三联件(分水滤气器、调压阀、油雾器)、控制电磁阀、扭矩测试油缸、TS83-L 电子转速表、LZJ 型玻璃管流量计、压力表和主体构架组成。测试台使用方便,测试值稳定、可靠准确。根据用户需要,可增加工控机和显示器,能实现联网数据共享,测试数据存储、打印、实时数据分析功能,方便装配现场的工具管理。
 Torque Tester
N1000-1torque tester is multi-function testing equipment,which is designed especially to test capability of B6-B42
impact air wrench. Main testing items are: fastening torque range: 0-2000N.m³ air consumption range(0-3)m³/min and free speed range(0-9999)r/min. It is composed of gas circuit, oil circuit, pneumatic triple pieces, control solenoid valve, torque test fuel tank, TS83-L electronic tachometer, LZJ glass tube flowmeter, pressure meter and main framework. Industrial controlling computer and monitor can also be added as per customer requirement to carry out network data share, test data storage, print and real time data analysis.